I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Summer!
This week, we’re going to talk about acid-alkaline balance. Because the body tissues and blood are slightly alkaline, we need to eat more foods that break down into alkaline elements. The ash or residue that remains when a food is metabolized influences the body’s pH (pressure of hydrogen – the amount of hydrogen ions affect the acid-alkaline state), or acidity/alkalinity. The chemical reactions of metabolism require a specific level of acidity, or pH, to function properly. Human blood has a normal PH of 7.4.
A diet that is too acidic affects blood and tissues, and the body will try to clear unwanted elements through enhanced elimination via the colon and kidneys, skin, sinuses, or other mucous membranes. High acidity in the body can cause osteoporosis, demineralization, kidney stones, and issues with muscles. It is also associated with excessive perspiration, migraine, eczema, psoriasis, joint pain, muscle pain, imbalances of intestinal flora, poor digestion, fatigue, and more.

Foods are classified as basically acid or alkaline, according to the residue left after they have been metabolized in the body. Acid-alkaline balance can be maintained through proper diet and supplementation. Ideally, the diet should contain about 70-80% alkaline foods during seasons where fruits and vegetables are more readily available. That number can drop to about 60-70% in the winter, when these foods are less accessible.

A fruit diet can be especially helpful with getting acid-alkaline balance back on track, as the natural acids in fruits are highly alkaline after they have been reduced in the body, and they contain beneficial acids that are necessary for the proper elimination of various toxins, poisonous acids, and other impurities.
Proteins both in the blood and within the cells act as buffers to prevent changes in pH. They function by attracting or releasing hydrogen ions. For instance, the protein hemoglobin in red blood cells helps neutralize acid produced when carbon dioxide reacts with water.
There’s a lot to unpack when it comes to acid-alkaline balance in the body. I can help you get on track and provide you with the tools to maintain your balance. Click here to book your intake, and let’s get started!
Staying Healthy with Nutrition (Elson M. Haas, MD)
Nutrition Science and Applications (Smolin, Grosvenor, Gurfinkel)
Back to Eden (Jethro Kloss)
Prescription for Nutritional Healing (Phyllis A. Balch, CNC)